Demonstrative Adjectives Meaning Definition and Examples: In Hindi: English में एक Word होता है Demonstrate, जिसका हिंदी अर्थ होता है – किसी चीज को दिखाना , या किसी की तरफ इशारा करना. इसी Word से Demonstrative भी बना है, और Demonstrative के साथ Adjective को जोड़कर, Demonstrative Adjective बन जाता है. आज हम लोग इसी Demonstrative Adjective को Cover करने वाले हैं.
Demonstrative Adjectives:
Adjective का Hindi अर्थ होता है विशेषण. अर्थात Noun or Pronoun के बारे में बताना या संकेत देना. इसके कई Types होते हैं, जैसे – Descriptive Adjective, Comparative, Superlative, Proper , Interrogative etc. इन्हीं में से एक Demonstrative Adjective भी है. Demonstrative Adjective को हिंदी में प्रदर्शनवाचक या संकेतवाचक विशेषण कहते हैं.
ऐसा Adjective जो Noun or Pronoun के विषय में कोई Information देते हैं और बताते हैं कि किस व्यक्ति , वस्तु या चीज के बारे में बात की जा रही है. इसके लिए This, That, These and Those का प्रयोग किया जाता है.
Demonstrative Adjective Forms: The four main demonstrative adjectives are, This, These, That & Those.
This and That :
Singular Noun/Pronouns के लिए This और That का प्रयोग किया जाता है. This का प्रयोग नजदीक( Near) के लिए तो That का प्रयोग दूर ( Far) के लिए किया जाता है. यंहा पर This and That से Noun/Pronoun के बारे में कुछ संकेत (समय , स्थान इत्यादि) दिया जाता है.
This and That are used for Singular Noun/Pronouns. “This” is used for near and “That” is used for far. For example –
- This school was where I was studying.
- This book is very long.
- This coffee’s cold.
- That car is expensive.
- That house is mine.
- Give me that pen.
These and Those:
Plural Noun/Pronouns के लिए These और Those का प्रयोग किया जाता है. These का प्रयोग नजदीक( Near) के लिए तो Those का प्रयोग दूर( Far) के लिए किया जाता है.
These and Those are used for plural Noun/Pronouns. “These” is used for near and “Those” is used for far. For example
- These are my friends.
- Those are my friends.
- These books are ours.
- Those pencils are there.
- Those shoes are very expensive.
- These snacks are for my kids.
- Those gifts were given by my parents.
Related Post:-
- Adjective definition types and examples in Hindi.
- What are Descriptive Adjectives? Learn in Hindi.
- What are attributive adjectives and predicative adjectives?
Important Points:-
- Types of Demonstrative Adjectives: This, That, These & Those.
- Proximity ( नजदीक ): “This” and “These” are used when things are near to Noun.
- Distance ( दूर ): “That” and “Those” are used while things are far from Noun.
- Singular: “This” and “That” are used if a noun or pronoun is singular.
- Plural: These and Those are used for plural nouns.