Compound Nouns: Meaning, Definition & Examples: In Hindi

English Language का एक शब्द है  “Compound”, जिसका हिंदी में अर्थ होता है – मिश्रण, संयुक्त अथवा यौगिक. जब दो Word आपस में जुड़कर कोई नया Word बनाते हैं तब उस Word को Compund Word कहते हैं . ठीक ऐसा ही कुछ Compund Nouns के साथ भी है. जब दो शब्द मिलकर एक नए शब्द को जन्म देते हैं और वह शब्द किसी Person, Things, Place or Idea का नाम हो तब वह Compund Nouns कहलाता है. Compound Noun को हिंदी में मिश्रण संज्ञा , योगिक संज्ञा अथवा संयुक्त संज्ञा कहते हैं .

वैसे हमने अब तक Common Nouns, Proper nouns, Singular & Plural Nouns, Collective Nouns के बारे में काफी कुछ पढ़ा एवं जाना. यदि आपने अब तक उन Topics को नहीं Read किया, तो एक बार जरूर Read करें. दोस्तों आज के इस Post में हम लोग  Compound nouns के बारे में details में पढेंगें.

Compound Nouns: Meaning, Definition & Examples: In Hindi
Compound Nouns: Meaning, Definition & Examples: In Hindi


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Compound Nouns:

Compound Noun को हिंदी में मिश्रण, यौगिक अथवा संयुक्त संज्ञा कहते हैं. जब दो शब्द आपस में मिलकर अथवा जुड़कर किसी नए संज्ञा शब्द का निर्माण करते हैं तब ऐसे शब्द को हिंदी व्याकरण के अनुशार मिश्रण, यौगिक अथवा संयुक्त संज्ञा कहते हैं और English Grammar में इसे Compound Nouns कहते हैं. जैसे –

  • I always try to get a bus from a nearby bus stop. ( इस Sentence में Bus Stop, Compound Noun है और यह दो words के जोड़ से बना है.)
  • He is playing football for the Indian national team. ( इस Sentence में Football, Compound Noun है.)
  • My mother-in-law is very sick today, I admitted him to hospital. ( इस Sentence में Mother-in-law , Compound Noun है और यह 3 शब्दों से जुड़कर बना है.)
What is a Compound Noun?

A compound noun is a word that is formed by combining two words ( part of speech).

जब कम से कम दो Part of Speech ( शब्द ) एक दूसरे से जुड़कर किसी नए Noun शब्द का निर्माण करते हैं तब उस Noun को Compound noun कहते हैं .


Definition of Compound Nouns:

When two words combine and make a noun word, that word can say the compound noun. These words can be nouns, adjectives, verbs, or prepositions.

A Single noun made up of two or more words is called a Compound noun.

Types of Compound Nouns:

Types of Compound Nouns की बात करें तो इसके तीन Types हैं . यह Types इसके Formation पर निर्भर करता है . Formation अर्थात इसकी बनावट पर निर्भर करता है.

Closed or Solid Compound Nouns:

Closed or Solid Compound nouns are those nouns, in which there is no space or hyphen of any kind to separate two words. These are usually treated as a single word.

Closed or Solid Compound nouns वे Nouns होती है, जिसमें दो Words को अलग करने के लिए किसी तरह का कोई Space या Hyphen नहीं होता है. इन्हे आमतौर पर एक ही Word के रूप में जाना जाता है. जैसे –

  • Bath + Room = Bathroom
  • Bed + Room = Bedroom
  • Bath + Tub = Bathtub
  • Foot + Ball = Football
  • Hand + Bag = Handbag
  • Web + Site = Website

Sentence Examples:

  • The policeman is not interested in solving to theft.
  • The bathroom is attached to the bedroom in my 2 BHK flat.
  • The shopkeeper was too good, he gave books at a discount.
Hyphenated Compound Nouns:

A Hyphenated compound noun is one in which a hyphen is used to separate two words. Hyphenated Compound Noun वह Noun है जिसमें दो शब्दों को अलग करने के लिए Hyphen (-)  का उपयोग किया जाता है. जैसे –

  • Bus + Stop = Bus-stop
  • Short + Term = Short-term
  • Well + Knwon = Well-known
  • Last + Minute = Last-minute
  • Highly + Qualified = Highly-qualified
  • Good + Looking = Good-looking

Sentence Examples:

  • This train is famous for long-distance. It covers almost 3000 km.
  • They appointed highly qualified teachers in his school.
  • That is a mind-blowing idea.
Space Compound Nouns:

A Space compound noun is one in which a space is used to separate two words. Space Compound Noun वह Noun है जिसमें दो शब्दों को अलग करने के लिए Space (खाली स्थान ) का उपयोग किया जाता है. जैसे

  • Changing + Room = Changing room
  • Water + Bottle = Water bottle
  • Dining + Room = Dining room
  • Fish + Tank = Fish tank
  • Swimming + Pool = Swimming pool

Sentence Examples:

  • The swimming pool is too deep.
  • Please buy a toothbrush from the market.
  • This weekend we will go to the water park.


Compound Nouns Examples:

दोस्तों आप Compound Noun को बेहतर तरीके से समझ सकें इसलिए , यंहा पर कुछ Compound Noun words के Examples दिए हैं , आप इन्हे पढ़िए और समझिये.

First Word Second Word Compound Noun
Sun Flower Sunflower
Rain Coat Raincoat
Foot Ball Football
Air Plane Airplane
Bed Room Bedroom
Book Shelf Bookshelf
Hair Brush Hairbrush
Moon Light Moonlight
Head Phone Headphone
Fire Fighter Firefighter
Door Bell Doorbell
Birth Day Birthday
Bird House Birdhouse
Sun Glass Sunglass
Tooth Paste Toothpaste
Air Port Airport
News Paper Newspaper
Tree House Treehouse
Solar System Solar system
Black Hole Black hole
Outer Space Outer space
Rocket Launch Rocket launch
Space Wind Space wind
Milky Way Milky way
Space Tourism Space tourism
Space Station Space station
T Shirt T-shirt
Self Care Self-care
Mother in law Mother-in-law
Full Time Full-time
Part Time Part-time
Long Term Long-term
Break Fast Breakfast
Cow Boy Cowboy
Life Size Life-size
Long Distance Long-distance
Runner Up Runner-up
Word Of-Mouth Word-0f-mouth


Forming Compound Nouns:

दोस्तों इस Section में हम Compund Noun कैसे बनता है , इसके बारे में पढ़ेंगे.

Noun + Noun:

ऐसे Compund Noun में दोनों ही Word, Noun होते हैं . जैसे –

Noun Noun Compound Noun
Bus Stop Busstop
Railway Station Railway Station
Foot Ball Football
Air Port Airport
Basket Ball Basketball
Fire Fly Firefly


Noun + Verb:

ऐसे Compound Noun जो की किसी Noun और Verb के जुड़ने से बना हो –

Noun Verb Compound Noun
Sun Rise Sunrise
Foot Print Footprint
Snow Fall Snowfall
Hair Cut Haircut
Swim Wear Swimwear
Home Work Homework
Rain Fall Rainfall
Walk Way Walkway
Health Care Healthcare


Noun + ing:

कुछ Compound Noun , Noun और ing के योग से बनते हैं. Let see-

Noun ing Compound Noun
Swimm ing Swimming
Dance ing Dancing
Sleep ing Sleeping
Read ing Reading
Drive ing Driving
Play ing Playing
Eat ing Eating
Preposition + Verb:

कुछ ऐसे भी Noun होते हैं जो कि Prepostion और Verb के जोड़ से बनते हैं .

Preposition Verb Compound Noun
Out Put Output
In Put Input
Under Stand Understand
Out Burst Outburst
Over Throw Overthrow


Verb + Preposition:

ऐसे भी कुछ Compound Nouns होते हैं , जो Verb और Preposition के जोड़ने से बनते हैं . आईये ऐसे कुछ शब्दों को देखते हैं –

Verb Preposition Compound Noun
Take Off Takeoff
Break Up Breakup
Set Up Setup
Kick Off Kickoff
Drop Off Drop-off
Come Back Comeback
Hang Out Hangout
Work Around Workaround
Preposition + Noun:

Preposition  और Noun के जोड़ने से भी Compound noun बनता है.

Preposition Noun Compound Noun
Out Side Outside
With In Within
Under World Underworld
Over Night Overnight
Under Line Underline
Back Ground Background
Adjective + Noun:

Adjective और Noun के आपस में जुड़ने वाला Noun कुछ इस तरह से होते हैं –

Adjective Noun Compound Noun
Black Board Blackboard
Black Pen Black pen
Smart Phone Smartphone
Hot Spot Hotspot
Green Room Greenroom
Grand Daughter Granddaughter
Adjective + Verb

Adjective और Verb के जोड़ से Compound Noun बनता है.

Adjective Verb Compound Noun
Public Speaking Public Speaking
High Light Highlight
Long Lasting Longlasting
Soft Touch Softtouch
Clear Cut Clear-cut
Free Fall Freefall
Deep Dive Deep-dive




Q. What is a Compound Noun?

Ans:- Any such nouns, which is made by combining at least 2 words.


Q. How many types of Compound Nouns?

Ans:- There are mainly three types of compound nouns-

  1. Closed or Solid Compound Nouns
  2. Space Compound Nouns
  3. Hyphenated Compound Nouns


Q. Give some examples of Compound nouns.

Ans:- Black Board, Bus Stop, Father-in-law, Smartphone, Grandmother



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