Difference between collective and non-collective nouns.

As per the perspective of English grammar, Collective and non-collective nouns are part of Nouns. In the previous article, we read differences between common & proper nouns, concrete & abstract nouns, and masculine & feminine nouns. Now in this article, we are going to read the difference between collective and non-collective nouns.  So without any delay let us begin our today’s topic which is;- Difference between collective and non-collective nouns.

Previous Article :

Difference between collective and non-collective nouns.
Difference between collective and non-collective nouns.
Collective noun:

Collective Noun को हिंदी व्याकरण में समूह वाचक संज्ञा कहते हैं. ऐसे शब्द जो किसी समूह का बोध कराते हैं , उन्हें समूहवाचक संज्ञा कहते हैं। जैसे – झुंड , परिवार , दर्शक , भीड़ इत्यादि. Or

ऐसे Word जो एक ही प्रकार के व्यक्तियों , जानवरो या वस्तुअओं के समूह का बोध कराये , वह Collective noun (समूहवाचक संज्ञा ) कहलाता है .

जिस Noun or Word से किसी समूह (group or collection) का sense होता है तो वह शब्द  collective noun कहलाता है.

The word in a sentence that refers to a group is called a collective noun. For example, a group of people is called a family. The term “flock” is used for a group of birds or “team” for a group of players.

Examples of some other collective nouns are army, audience, board, class, committee, crowd, family, group, herd, jury, Colony, nest, School, committee, cluster, bunch, forest, orchestra, band, and many more.

Examples of Collective Nouns :

  • My elder brother works in the army.
  • Amazon is a huge forest, where there are millions of trees.
  • I find the children of this school very naughty.
  • I want to be a part of this building’s committee.
  • The boy brought a bunch of grapes.
  • We are a happy family.
  • A flock of birds flew over the hill.
  • The group of dancers went to the auditorium.
Non-collective noun:

Non Collective Noun के बारे में कहा जा सकता है कि “वाक्य में ऐसा Noun जो किसी Group अथवा Collection का बोध न करता हो “. 

ऐसे संज्ञा जिसे हम केवल देख सकते हैं , छू सकते हैं  , महसूस कर सकते हैं  लेकिन उसे गिन नहीं सकते  (वह संख्या में बहुत सारी होगी ) और जिसे समूह भी नहीं कह सकते ,ऐसी संज्ञा का Non-collective noun कहते हैं .

Such nouns which we can only see, touch, and feel but cannot count (they will be many in number) and which cannot be called a group, such nouns are called Non-collective nouns.

उदाहरण :  सक्कर , चीनी, तेल ,गुड़ , साबुन , गेहू , कॉफ़ी ,नफरत , शान्ति , ईमानदारी etc.

Dog, Cat, Car, Pen, Book, Computer, Coffee, Tablet, Shoes, Pants, River, Teacher, etc.

Examples of Non-collective nouns:

  • The tree in my house is very big.
  • I also want to start a computer shop.
  • River Ganga and Yamuna meet each other at Prayagraj.
  • I also have to buy shirt pants and shoes.


Difference between collective & non collective:-
  • A collective noun is a noun that we can count whether it is a group or individual. while a non-collective noun is a noun that we cannot count individually. it identifies the whole object which cannot separate also.
  • collective nouns are not treated as plural even though they refer to a group. while non – collective nouns are treated as a singular form because it does not have any group.
  • Examples of collective nouns are- class, bouquet, army, group, school, colony, directors, fruits, etc.
  • Examples of non-collective nouns are – sugar, tea, milk, sadness, happiness, tea, coffee, oil, air, rice, wheat, etc.

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