What is compound adjective in English | Learn in Hindi

English Grammar में Compound Adjective एक महत्त्वपूर्ण Basic Topic हैं.  Grammar के point of view से इसे जानना एवं समझना बहुत ही Important है. यदि आप English Grammar में थोड़ा बहुत भी Intrest रखते हैं तो , इस Topic (What is compound adjective in English)  को escape ना करें.  Post को अंत तक पढ़ने से कुछ न कुछ जानकारी आपको अवश्य प्राप्त होगी , अतः अंत तक बने रहें , पढ़ते रहें और आगे बढ़ते रहें.

Important Keywords: Compound Adjective, Compound Adjectives, What is a compound adjective in English | Learn in Hindi, Learn Compound Adjectives in Hindi.

Compound Adjective

यदि आपसे कोई पूछे – What is a compound adjective in English Grammar? तो आप क्या anshwer देंगें? मुझे विश्वास है कि इस  प्र्श्न का उत्तर आपको पता है. फिर भी सायद आप किसी संसय में हैं.  चलिए मैं आपको अपने तरीके से बताता हूँ –

सबसे पहले निचे दिए हुए कुछ Words को पढ़ते हैं और उन पर गौर करते हैं –

time-consuming , time-saving, right-handed, left-handed, last-minute, short-term, long-term, well-known, well-mannered

अब ऊपर दिए हुए शब्दों को पढ़ने से या देखने मात्र से पता चलता है कि ये दो अलग – अलग शब्दों के योग से बने हुए हैं. और ये शब्द कहीं न कहीं Noun की विशेषता को बतलाने के लिए प्रयोग किये जाते हैं. ऐसे शब्दों को Compound Adjective कहते हैं.

Definition of Compound Adjective

Definition of compound adjective: It is an adjective made up of two or more words that together describe a noun or pronoun.

Definition 2: A compound adjective is a combination of two or more words that can perform the role of an adjective in a sentence. 

According to CambridgeA compound word is two or more words linked together to produce a new adjective word with a new meaning. Like –

 eco + friendly = eco-friendly,  ground + lover = ground-lover, short + sighted = short-sighted

ऐसे Adjective जो कम से कम दो शब्दों के योग से बनते हैं , उन्हें Compound Adjective कहते हैं. जैसे well-known, Good-looking etc.


Meaning & Explanation

यदि आप हिंदी ग्रामर की जानकरी रखते हैं तो आपको योगिक विशेषण के बारे में जरूर पता होगा. Compound Adjectives को हिंदी में योगिक विशेषण कहा जाता है.  योगिक अर्थात जोड़.

जब दो या उससे ज्यादा शब्दों को जोड़ने से कोई शब्द बनता है तो उसे Compund Word कहते हैं.  इसी प्रकार यदि वह नया शब्द Noun होता है तो उसे Compund Noun और अगर वही शब्द Adjective होगा तो उसे Compund Adjectives कहेंगें.

अक्सर दो Words को आपस में जोड़ने के लिए Hyphen (-) का प्रयोग किया जाता है.   लेकिन हर Compound Adjective Hyphen से बने, ऐसा नहीं है.  जैसे – White-collor, Ice-cold, Brand New, Trouble free

20 Most Popular Compound Adjectives

कुछ most important या यूँ कह लें कि जिनका प्रयोग हम सबसे ज्यादा करते हैं , ऐसे 20 Most Popular Compound Adjectives निचे दिए हैं. आप इन्हें पढ़ें और समझें.

  1. Well-known = प्रसिद्ध
  2. Long-term = लंबा, दीर्घकालिक
  3. Full-time = पूर्ण समय
  4. High-speed = उच्च गति
  5. Old-fashioned = पुराने ज़माने का
  6. Low-cost = कम लागत
  7. High-cost = उच्च लागत
  8. High-quality = उच्च गुणवत्ता
  9. Low-quality = कम गुणवत्ता
  10. User-friendly = सुलभ , मैत्रीपूर्ण
  11. Part-time = अंश कालीन
  12. Full-time = दीर्घ कालीन
  13. Mind-blowing = अद्भुत
  14. Broad-minded = उदार , खुले विचार वाला
  15. Middle-class – मध्यम वर्गीय
  16. Old-age – प्रौढ़
  17. New-age – नयी उम्र
  18. Self-Study – स्वयं पढ़ाई
  19. Short-term – लघु अवधि
  20. Long-term – दीर्घ अवधि


How to use compound adjectives

Sentence में Compound Adjectives का प्रयोग Sentence के Structure पर करता है.  इसके लिए कोई फिक्स रूल्स नहीं है.  जंहा जैसी जरुरत वंहा वैसा प्रयोग. ज्यादातर Compound Adjectives , Noun के पहले आते हैं.  जैसे –

  • I saw a fish-eating bear.


Compound Adjectives in a sentence

Here are some examples of compound adjectives used in sentences:

Compound Adjective Sentence
Well-known She is a well-known teacher in society.
High-speed That is a high-speed train for Bhopal.
Five-Star It is the biggest five-star hotel in our city.
Old-fashioned Rita wore an old-fashioned dress.
Brightly-coloured She bought a brightly-coloured scarf.
Heart-warming It was a heart-warming story
Good-looking Salman is a good-looking actor.
Hard-working Ramesh is a hard-working boy.
Long-term She is looking for a long-term job.
Short-term I like short-term courses.
Fast-paced She enjoys working in a fast-paced environment.
Deep-fried He ordered some deep-fried chicken.
Cold-blooded Crocodiles are cold-blooded reptiles.
Low-cost This company have a very low-cost budget.
Open-ended They had an open-ended discussion about future plans.
All-time That movie is an all-time hit.
Time-consuming That is a time-consuming course.
Narrow-minded The people are very narrow-minded.
Quick-witted She is known for her quick-witted humour.


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Q. What is a compound adjective in English Grammar?

Ans: A compound adjective is a combination of two or more words that can perform the role of an adjective in a sentence.


Q. How do you identify compound adjectives in a sentence?

Ans: To identify a compound adjective in a sentence, look for two or more words joined by a hyphen (-) that act as a single adjective to describe a noun or pronoun.


Q. What is the difference between compound adjectives and compound nouns?

Ans: The difference between compound adjectives and compound nouns is given below.

Compound Adjective Compound Nouns
A compound adjective is a combination of two or more words that together describe a quality or characteristic of a noun. A compound noun is a combination of two or more words that together form a new noun or name for a thing. Like – Air+Port = Airport
These are often hyphenated (a hyphen between the two words). Compound nouns often occur without hyphens, or may occasionally be hyphenated.
Example: High-speed, Example: Toothpaste



Test your Understanding of Compound Adjectives

क्या आपने सचमुच इस पोस्ट को कुछ सीखा है ? यदि हाँ तो निचे दिए हुए वाक्य को पूर्ण पढ़िए और कंपाउंड एडजेक्टिव को पहचान कर Comments के माध्यम से हमें बताईये.

Ramesh is a well-respected old-age teacher who resides in Mumbai and works as a part-time trainer. He has a reputation for being quick-witted, often using humour to engage his students during lessons. Despite his age, he actively participates in fast-paced games like cricket, football, and basketball, impressing his students with his skills. While he typically opts for sugar-free food to maintain a healthy lifestyle, he sometimes indulges in a rich-flavored cold coffee as a treat. His ability to connect with young people and share his passion for sports makes him a cherished mentor in their lives.


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