50 common prepositions for daily use.

Prepositions (प्रपोज़िशन ) are useful words in the English language. It is used to show the relationship between nouns or pronouns and other words in a sentence. Prepositions can indicate the time, place, or manner of action. It’s also useful for showing a relationship between two things. Friends in today’s post (50 common prepositions for daily use.)  we will learn about Prepositions, their uses, and many more.

Preposition को हिंदी में पूर्वसर्ग अथवा संबंध सूचक अवव्य कहते हैं. Englis Word Preposition को यदि दो पार्ट में बांटा जाए तो, वे शब्द कुछ इस प्रकार होंगे – Pre + Position . Pre का meaning  है “पूर्व” और Postion का meaning है “स्थिति” or पद / पोजीशन. इसलिए हम कह सकते हैं कि Prepostion word , Noun अथवा Pronoun के ठीक पहले प्रयोग किया जानेवाला शब्द होता हैं .

What is a Preposition :

If you want to learn English Grammar or English Spoken then knowing prepositions is very must. it’s very useful when you want to make easy and understandable sentences or phrases. वाक्य के ऐसे शब्द जो संज्ञा अथवा सर्वनाम और किसी अन्य शब्द के बीच संबंध व्यक्त करता है , ऐसे शब्दों को Prepostion शब्द कहते हैं .

Simple शब्दों में कहें तो किसी भी Sentence में यदि Prepostions आता है तो, यह Prepositions उस Sentence में Noun / Pronoun और Preposition के पहले आने वाले शब्दों के बीच में किसी न किसी रिश्ते को जोड़ने का कार्य करता है।

जैसे – Ram is going to the school . इस वाक्य में Prepostion – “to”  है। यह Ram is going और School के बीच में Relation show कर रहा है। जैसे राम कंहा जा रहा है ? इसका उत्तर है कि वह स्कूल जा रहा है।

Prepositions are that words which are used before Nouns or Pronouns and they also show the relationship between other words. e.g.-

  • The book is on the table.
  • I am going to the Hospital.
  • Rahul is working in Tech a company.
  • Rita is playing football on the ground.
Why Prepositions?

Preposition words are an important part of the English language. They connect other words, including nouns, pronouns, and phrases, and explain the relationships between them. These words provide information about time, place, and direction, also used to show the position of something or someone, its motion, or the time of its occurrence.

Preposition words अंग्रेजी भाषा का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा हैं। वे संज्ञा (noun) , सर्वनाम (pronoun) और वाक्यांश (phrases) सहित अन्य शब्दों को जोड़ते हैं और उनके बीच के संबंधों की व्याख्या करते हैं। ये शब्द समय, स्थान और दिशा के बारे में जानकारी प्रदान करते हैं, किसी चीज या किसी व्यक्ति की स्थिति, उसकी गति या उसके होने के समय को दिखाने के लिए भी इनका उपयोग किया जाता है.

Most useful Prepositions :

Friends here are some most used propositions, which we use in day-to-day life. These words are very important to learn, so read each word carefully and make your own sentences.

In: When indicating “Area”

  • I am playing in the garden.
  • I am sitting on the chair.


On: Indicating a position or contact with a surface.

  • The book is on the table.
  • They are going on a trip.
  • She is working on a project.
  • They kept the bag on the chair.

At: – Indicating a specific location, destination ( Place), time or situation.

  • She is waiting at the bus stop.
  • He is good at playing cricket.
  • The train reaches the station at 9.30 AM.
  • I got my first job at 23.


To: Used for indicating Direction, Destination, Purpose, Result or Relation

  • They went to the park.
  • That train is going to Haldwani.
  • She came to help us.
  • We work from Monday to Friday.


From: Used for indicating Starting Point, Origin, Source, Cause, or Separation.

  • The train departs from the station.
  • They are coming from Kanpur.
  • The restaurant closed from 2 PM to 3 PM.
  • She suffered from the cold.


With: Used to indicate association, accompaniment, possession, means, manner, or participation.

  • He is friends with Nitin.
  • He went to the park with his father.
  • The house with white in color is mine.
  • The hotel room comes with a balcony.


By: Used to indicate relationships, methods, agents, means, etc.

  • The book was written by Shalini.
  • They are traveled by bus.
  • I will be there by 6 AM.
  • He passed the exam by studying hard.


For: Used to indicate purpose, recipient, duration, benefit, intended use, exchange, and more.

  • She studied hard for good marks.
  • This gift is for you.
  • Gym is good for health.
  • We are going to Pune for a picnic.


About: Relationship, Topics, Subjects, or Discussion 

  • We are talking about our new project.
  • She is passionate about dance.
  • She is about 8 years old.
  • Can you explain to me about my job?


Through: Used to indicate various relationships, movement, penetration, completion, process, and more.

  • She walked through the park.
  • They worked through the night.
  • They are communicating through email.
  • We went through a difficult time.


Of: Used to indicate various relationships, possession, origin, composition, characteristics, and more.

  • This is the house of my friend.
  • The walls are built of bricks.
  • The city is full of history.
  • He is a member of the club.


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50 common prepositions in English for daily use.

दोस्तों मुझे विश्वास हो रहा है कि आप लोगों को Prepostition का meaning समझ में आ गया होगा.  यंहा पर कुछ ऐसे Prepositions Words दिए हैं, जिनका हम Daily बोलचाल में प्रयोग करते हैं.

Prepositions Meaning in Hindi Examples
Above  ऊपर , किसी चीज के ऊपर Please keep the book above the table.
Across दरम्यान , आर – पार, के पार That computer institute has many branches across the city.
After बाद में They went for a walk after the rain stopped.
Against खिलाफ Tomorrow India will be playing against England.
Along  के साथ , साथ में , साथ – साथ They are walking along the beach and enjoying the sunset.
Among मध्य, के बीच That cat disappeared among the trees in the forest.
Around चारो ओर, चारो तरफ, आस – पास They planned a trip around the Uttrakhand.
At पर, में, की ओर He has been waiting at the bus stop since morning 10 a.m.
Before पहले, से पहले, के पहले He arrives station before morning 10 AM.
Behind पीछे, पीछे की तरफ, पीछे की ओर He left his luggage bag behind the car.
Below निचे , के निचे The keys are below the newspaper on the table.
Beneath  निचे, के निचे ( Beneath & Below का Meaning same होता है ) The keys are beneath the newspaper on the table.
Beyond बाहर, के पार , अतीत  His ideas are beyond my understanding.
By के द्वारा, से, के साथ That story was written by Munshi Premchand.
Concerning  के बारे में , सम्बंधित I have some questions concerning the new studio setup.
Considering मानना, ध्यान में रखना, मान कर We have to postpone the meeting as consider the weather.
Despite बावजूद, परन्तु, इसके बावजूद Despite the train, we went by bus.
Down नीचे ,  के नीचे He lives down the street from my house.
During  के दौरान, के समय I like to read textbooks during my lunch.
Except केवल, के सिवाय , इसके अलावा Everyone attended the meeting except Manish.
For के लिए , का की के , की ओर , में , से She bought a gift for her husband.
In में The book is in my bag.
Inside अंदर , भीतर The keys are inside the drawer.
Into में ,अंदर , भीतर ,  के अंदर , बीच में She walked into the hall.
Like जैसे, जैसा  , की तरह , के जैसा She is working like her father.
Near  नजदीक, पास The school is near to railway station.
Of का , की , के ,  The book of the man.
On ऊपर, पर, के ऊपर The book is on the table.
Onto के ऊपर , की ओर  The cat jumped onto the table.
Outside बाहर The cat is playing outside the house.
Over ऊपर, पर, अधिक The plane is flying over the City.
Past के पार I’ve known her for the past five years.
Regarding सम्बंधित, के सन्दर्भ में We need more information regarding the new policy.
Round चारो ओर We took a walk round the park.
Since जबसे, क्यूंकि He has been working here since the year 2020.
Through  माध्यम से , के जरिये , से He learned English through YouTube videos.
Throughout सभी जगह, The rain persisted throughout the week.
To  को, तक We are going to Mumbai.
Toward की तरफ, की ओर  The wind is blowing towards the east.
Under  निचे, के निचे The book is under the table.
Underneath  निचे, के निचे She found a letter underneath her pillow.
Until तक, जब तक The store is open until 11 PM.
Up ऊपर, ऊपर की ओर The cat jumped up onto the wall.
Down निचे, निचे की ओर She walked down the stairs.
Upon पर, ऊपर, परन्तु The police arrived upon receiving the call.
With  के साथ , साथ He went to the park with his friend.

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