Daily use English Sentences Conversations - Part 2 | Simple English Daily Speak.

Daily use English Sentences Conversations - Part 2

बर्तन धो लो ▶ Wash the dishes

जग जाओ ▶ Wake up

नहा लो ▶ Take a shower

तयार हो जाओ ▶ Get dressed

नाश्ता कर लो ▶ Have breakfast

सकूल जाओ ▶ Go to school

खाना खाओ ▶ Have lunch

घर पहँचो ▶ Get home

टहलने जाओ ▶ Go for a walk

जाओ खेलो ▶ Go and play

मरे पास बैठो ▶ Sit by me

मरी मदद करो ▶ Help me

किताब पढ़ो ▶ Read a book

टीवी देखो ▶ Watch TV

खाना बना लो ▶ Make Eat

खाना खा लो ▶ Take Eat

सो जाओ ▶ Go to bed

Daily use English Sentences Conversations

क्या  आप उसे जानते हैं? ▶ Do you know him?

कया राम मुझे जानता है? ▶ Does Ram know me?

आपके पास कितने पैसे हैं? ▶ How much money do you have?

उसके पास कितने पैसे थे? ▶ How much money did he have?

तम वहाँ क्यों जाते हो? ▶ Why do you go there?

आप मुझे पागल लगते हो। ▶ You seem to be mad to me.

आप मुझे स्वार्थी लगते हो। ▶ You seem to be selfish.

मैं वो हूँ जो आपके साथ था। ▶ I am the one, who was with you.

राहुल वो है जो मेरे साथ था। ▶ Rahul is the one who was with me.

मेरा दिन अच्छा गुजर रहा है। ▶ I am going through a good day.

मैं अपने बच्चे को नहला रहा हूँ। ▶ I am giving a bath to my son.

रोहित वहाँ से आ रहा है। ▶ Rohit is coming from there.

तमने ऐसा क्यों सोचा? ▶ Why did you think so?

ऐसा सोचना भी मत। ▶  Don’t even think so.

यह करना गलत है। ▶ This is wrong to do it.

मैंने अनजाने में तुम्हारा दिल दुखाया। ▶ I hurt you unknowingly.

आपने जान बुझ कर मेरा दिल दुखाया। ▶ You knowingly hurt me.


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